visible light communications (VLC) technology tagged posts

Using Lights for Communications? Haas, pureLiFi, see brighter future

Visible Light Communications

How does visible light communications (VLC) work? Credit: pureLiFi

Will solar-powered wireless communication benefit millions in the years to come? That is the hope of enthusiasts seeing a future in Li-Fi, wireless technology which is wireless—only not as we know it. Li-Fi, coined by University of Edinburgh’s Professor Harald Haas, is a wireless technology which refers to visible light communications (VLC) technology delivering a high-speed, bidirectional networked, mobile communications in a similar manner as Wi-Fi.

How does visible light communications (VLC) work? Credit: pureLiFi

How does visible light communications (VLC) work? Credit: pureLiFi

Li-Fi technology can be integrated with solar cells to receive data. Solar panels on houses or smart watches can absorb power and receive data at the same time...

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