volcanic plume on Jupiter’s moon Io tagged posts

Juno mission captures images of Volcanic Plumes on Jupiter’s moon Io Light from the plumes and fires of Io on Earth’s darkest night

Juno’s Radiation Monitoring Investigation collected this image of Jupiter’s moon Io with Juno’s Stellar Reference Unit (SRU) star camera shortly after Io was eclipsed by Jupiter at 12:40:29 (UTC) Dec. 21, 2018. Io is softly illuminated by moonlight from another of Jupiter’s moons, Europa. The brightest feature on Io is suspected to be a penetrating radiation signature. The glow of activity from several of Io’s volcanoes is seen, including a plume circled in the image.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI

A team of space scientists has captured new images of a volcanic plume on Jupiter’s moon Io during the Juno mission’s 17th flyby of the gas giant. On Dec. 21, during winter solstice, four of Juno’s cameras captured images of the Jovian moon Io, the most volcanic body in our solar system...

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