volumetric bubble display tagged posts

Researchers use Laser-Generated Bubbles to create 3D Images in Liquid

This mermaid graphic is created from laser-generated bubbles suspended in a liquid "screen" and illuminated with a halogen lamp. Credit: Kota Kumagai, Utsunomiya University

This mermaid graphic is created from laser-generated bubbles suspended in a liquid “screen” and illuminated with a halogen lamp. Credit: Kota Kumagai, Utsunomiya University

New technology creates color 3D images that don’t require special viewing devices. A new type of display creates 3D images by using a laser to form tiny bubbles inside a liquid “screen.” Instead of rendering a 3D scene on a flat surface, the display itself is three-dimensional, a property known as volumetric. This allows viewers to see a 3D image in the columnar display from all angles without any 3D glasses or headsets. The volumetric bubble display to create changeable color graphics.

“Creating a full-color updatable volumetric display is challenging because many three-dimensional pixels, or voxels, with different col...

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