volunteer scientists tagged posts

Volunteers help find Star that exploded 970 million years ago, predating the dinosaurs

1. Artist's impression of Type Ia Supernova, Image: ESA 2. The left is the "new image" from a couple of nights ago while the middle one is the "reference" image taken a couple of years ago, the right image is the difference between "new" and "reference." The researchers said there is clearly an exploding star in the outskirts of the galaxy. Credit: ANU

1. Artist’s impression of Type Ia Supernova, Image: ESA
2. The left is the “new image” from a couple of nights ago while the middle one is the “reference” image taken a couple of years ago, the right image is the difference between “new” and “reference.” The researchers said there is clearly an exploding star in the outskirts of the galaxy. Credit: ANU

Online volunteers, including a woman from Belgium and a Scottish man, have helped astronomers at The Australian National University (ANU) find a star that exploded 970 million years ago, predating the dinosaurs’ time on Earth. ANU has invited everyone with an interest in astronomy to join the University’s search for supernovae, which scientists can use to measure the Universe and acceleration of its growth.

Dr Brad Tucker said his team was ab...

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