VR tagged posts

Machine Learning gives users ‘Superhuman’ ability to Open and Control Tools in Virtual Reality

Machine learning gives users 'superhuman' ability to open and control tools in virtual reality

Researchers have developed a virtual reality application where a range of 3D modeling tools can be opened and controlled using just the movement of a user’s hand.

The researchers, from the University of Cambridge, used machine learning to develop ‘HotGestures’—analogous to the hot keys used in many desktop applications.

HotGestures give users the ability to build figures and shapes in virtual reality without ever having to interact with a menu, helping them stay focused on a task without breaking their train of thought.

The idea of being able to open and control tools in virtual reality has been a movie trope for decades, but the researchers say that this is the first time such a ‘superhuman’ ability has been made possible...

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Testing Real Driverless Cars in a Virtual Environment

Testing real driverless cars in a virtual environment
Public road development of AV driving functions. Credit: Sensors (2023). DOI: 10.3390/s23115088

In an empty parking lot, a car ‘thinks’ it is on a real road.

Researchers at The Ohio State University have developed new software to aid in the development, evaluation and demonstration of safer autonomous, or driverless, vehicles.

Called the Vehicle-in-Virtual-Environment (VVE) method, it allows the testing of driverless cars in a perfectly safe environment, said Bilin Aksun-Guvenc, co-author of the study and a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Ohio State.

Imagine a driverless car is placed in the middle of an empty parking lot...

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Wrist-mounted FingerTrak continuously Tracks entire Human Hand in 3D

Wrist-mounted FingerTrak continuously tracks entire human hand in 3D.
Wrist-mounted FingerTrak continuously tracks entire human hand in 3D. Credit: Cornell University

The device could be used in sign language translation, VR, mobile health, human-robot interaction and and more. The bracelet, called FingerTrak, can sense and translate into 3D the many positions of the human hand, including 20 finger joint positions, using three or four miniature, low-resolution thermal cameras that read contours on the wrist.

“This was a major discovery by our team — that by looking at your wrist contours, the technology could reconstruct in 3D, with keen accuracy, where your fingers are,” said Cheng Zhang, assistant professor of information science and director of Cornell’s new SciFi Lab, where FingerTrak was developed...

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Virtual Reality and Drones help to predict and protect Koala Habitat

Using virtual reality and thermal imagery to improve statistical modelling of vulnerable and protected species. PLOS ONE, 2019; 14 (12): e0217809 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0217809

QUT researchers have used a combination of virtual reality (VR), aerial thermal-imaging and ground surveys to build a better statistical model for predicting the location of koalas and, ultimately, protecting their habitat.

In the study, published in the journal PLoS ONE, researchers from QUT and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS) used the mashup of high-tech 360-degree imagery and heat-seeking drone cameras along with traditional techniques of ground surveys to develop a model that could be used to identify areas most likely to be home to koalas, which are ...

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