W Aquilae tagged posts

Report of Discovery of Large Object in Far Outer Edges of Solar System incites Skeptical Reactions


ALMA prototype-antennas at the ALMA test facility. Credit: ESO

2 separate teams of researchers (one from Mexico, the other Sweden), have incited skepticism among the astronomy community by posting papers on the preprint server arXiv each describing a different large object they observed in the outer edges of the solar system. Both teams made their observations after reviewing data from ALMA—a cluster of radio dishes in the Chilean mountains.

Could There Be Massive Planets in the Far Reaches of Our Solar System?

The two ALMA detections on March 20 and April 14, 2014. (Credit: V. H. T. Vlemmings et al., 2015)

One of the objects was found to be near W Aquilae in the night sky—the other adjacent to Alpha Centauri ...

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