Water hidden on Mars tagged posts

Earthly Rocks point way to Water hidden on Mars

file of slightly red but mostly black hematite on left with pile of much redder hydrohematite on right
Hydrohematite (right) is a brighter red than anhydrous hematite (left).
IMAGE: Si Athena Chen, Penn State

A combination of a once-debunked 19th-century identification of a water-carrying iron mineral and the fact that these rocks are extremely common on Earth, suggests the existence of a substantial water reservoir on Mars, according to a team of geoscientists.

“One of my student’s experiments was to crystalize hematite,” said Peter J. Heaney, professor of geosciences, Penn State. “She came up with an iron-poor compound, so I went to Google Scholar and found two papers from the 1840s where German mineralogists, using wet chemistry, proposed iron-poor versions of hematite that contained water.”

In 1844, Rudolf Hermann named his mineral turgite and in 1847 August Breithaupt named hi...

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