WD1202 system tagged posts

Very Rare Discovery: Failed Star Orbits a Dead Star every 71 minutes

K2 lightcurve (black jagged curve) folded about a period of 71.23 minutes. The red curve represents a simple geometrical model with a 5-minute long total eclipse and a 9% contribution to emulate an illumination effect on the companion star. The blue curve is the fit to the model based on the length of the K2 observations. Credit: Bishop's University

1. K2 lightcurve (black jagged curve) folded about a period of 71.23 minutes. The red curve represents a simple geometrical model with a 5-minute long total eclipse and a 9% contribution to emulate an illumination effect on the companion star. The blue curve is the fit to the model based on the length of the K2 observations. 2. The final fate of WD1202 as a cataclysmic variable. The brown dwarf overflows its tear-drop-shaped Roche lobe and loses mass to the compact white dwarf accretor An accretion disk of hot hydrogen gas surrounds the white dwarf. Credit: Bishop’s University

An international team using data from the rejuvenated Kepler space telescope have discovered a rare gem: A binary system consisting of a failed star, also known as a brown dwarf, and the remnant of a dead star known ...

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