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Webb Spots Surprisingly Massive Galaxies in early Universe

Inching towards the Big Bang: The James Webb telescope peers deep into space and time
Inching towards the Big Bang: The James Webb telescope peers deep into space and time.

The James Webb Space Telescope has spotted six massive galaxies that emerged not long after the Big Bang, a study said Wednesday, surprising scientists by forming at a speed that contradicts our current understanding of the universe.

Since becoming operational last July, the Webb telescope has been peering farther than ever before into the universe’s distant reaches—which also means it is looking back in time.

For its latest discovery, the telescope spied galaxies from between 500 to 700 years million years after the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago, meaning the universe was under five percent of its current age.

Webb’s NIRCam instrument, which operates in the near infrared wavelength invis...

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