white dwarf called WD0032-317 tagged posts

Discovery of a Brown Dwarf Hotter than the Sun

Discovery of a space object hotter than the sun
Phased radial-velocity curves of WD 0032−317. a, trailed UVES spectrum for the H𝛼 line of WD 0032−317 (blue represents lower fluxes, and yellow represents higher fluxes), folded over the orbital period (𝑃 = 8340.9090 s). The primary absorption is clearly seen in blue. The emission from the companion (in yellow) appears in anti-phase with the primary, and is visible only from the irradiated day side, between orbital phases ∼ 0.2–0.8. Its “inverted” shape, evident especially near quadrature, is the result of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) effects [40]. b, radial velocity curves (top panel) of the white dwarf (blue circles) and the irradiated companion (red diamonds), folded over the orbital period (𝑃 = 8340.9090 s)...
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