white dwarf star WD 1425+540 tagged posts

Dwarf Star 200 light years away contains Life’s Building Blocks

Rendering of part of a planetary system in orbit around a white dwarf star (the white spot at the center of the red ring). The foreground shows rocky asteroids; the red ring represents the rocky debris that remains of former asteroids or a minor planet that have already been broken apart by the strong gravity of the white dwarf. Credit: University of Warwick

Rendering of part of a planetary system in orbit around a white dwarf star (the white spot at the center of the red ring). The foreground shows rocky asteroids; the red ring represents the rocky debris that remains of former asteroids or a minor planet that have already been broken apart by the strong gravity of the white dwarf. Credit: University of Warwick

Object in the constellation Bo̦tes with C, H, O, N. Many scientists believe the Earth was dry when it first formed, and that the building blocks for life on our planet Рcarbon, nitrogen and water Рappeared only later as a result of collisions with other objects in our solar system that had those elements...

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