winged radio galaxy tagged posts

Galactic Microquasar provides explanation for Structure of faraway Radio galaxies

Picture of the GRS 1758-258 microquasar, obtained with the Jansky Very Large Array radiotelescope at 5 GHz frequency radio waves. The white line shows the Z-shape path formed by the relativistic plasma produced in the core region, where the black hole is located. Credit: Image courtesy of University of Barcelona

Picture of the GRS 1758-258 microquasar, obtained with the Jansky Very Large Array radiotelescope at 5 GHz frequency radio waves. The white line shows the Z-shape path formed by the relativistic plasma produced in the core region, where the black hole is located. Credit: Image courtesy of University of Barcelona

The results of a study allow researchers progressing in the study of the distribution of gravitational waves from distant sources. Researchers from the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB) and the University of Jaén have described, for the first time, the structure of a Z-shaped galactic microquasar...

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