Wirelessly Powered Relay tagged posts

Wirelessly Powered Relay will help bring 5G Technology to Smart Factories

Figure 2 Prototype of the proposed relay transceiver The prototype of the proposed relay transceiver was fabricated with Si CMOS 65nm chips and 4×2 patch phased-array antenna board.
Prototype of the proposed relay transceiver
The prototype of the proposed relay transceiver was fabricated with Si CMOS 65nm chips and 4×2 patch phased-array antenna board.

The proposed innovative design leads to unprecedented power conversion efficiency and improved versatility. A recently developed wirelessly powered 5G relay could accelerate the development of smart factories, report scientists from Tokyo Tech. By adopting a lower operating frequency for wireless power transfer, the proposed relay design solves many of the current limitations, including range and efficiency. In turn, this allows for a more versatile and widespread arrangement of sensors and transceivers in industrial settings.

One of the hallmarks of the Information Age is the transformation of industries towards...

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