working memory tagged posts

Alzheimer’s-like Symptoms Reversed in Mice

Green tea.
Credit: © Kittiphan / Fotolia

Special diet with compounds contained in green tea and carrots restored working memory. A diet containing compounds found in green tea and carrots reversed Alzheimer’s-like symptoms in mice genetically programmed to develop the disease, USC researchers say.

Researchers emphasize that the study, recently published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, was in mice, and many mouse discoveries never translate into human treatments. Nevertheless, the findings lend credence to the idea that certain readily available, plant-based supplements might offer protection against dementia in humans.

“You don’t have to wait 10 to 12 years for a designer drug to make it to market; you can make these dietary changes today,” said senior author Terrence Town, a ...

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Heavy Cannabis use Associated with Reduced Dopamine release in Brain

Marijuana plant (stock image). Evidence of a compromised dopamine system has been found in heavy users of marijuana. Credit: © Vasily Merkushev / Fotolia

Marijuana plant (stock image). Evidence of a compromised dopamine system has been found in heavy users of marijuana. Credit: © Vasily Merkushev / Fotolia

Evidence of a compromised dopamine system has been found in heavy users of marijuana. Effect similar to other addictions. Lower dopamine release was found in the striatum – involved in working memory, impulsive behavior, and attention. Previous studies have shown that addiction to other drugs of abuse, such as cocaine and heroin, have similar effects on dopamine release, but such evidence for cannabis was missing until now.

“In light of the more widespread acceptance and use of marijuana, especially by young people, we believe it is important to look more closely at the potentially addictive effects of cannabis on key regions of the brai...

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