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Gene identified that Helps Wound Healing and may Control Scarring in severe injuries & internal organ damage

This image shows modulation of wound healing and scar formation by MG53-mediated cell membrane repair and TGF-? signaling regulation. Credit: Li.et.al., 2015

This image shows modulation of wound healing and scar formation by MG53-mediated cell membrane repair and TGF-? signaling regulation. Credit: Li.et.al., 2015

The protein, MG53, travels throughout the bloodstream and helps the body fix injuries to the skin, heart, and other organs without causing scars. It’s a discovery that could help heal open wounds, decrease recovery time after surgery and reduce the spread of infections. “A massive scar on your skin may look bad, but imagine you have a heart attack and get a scar on your heart – that could be lethal,” says Jianjie Ma.

All animals carry this gene, he said, and it’s almost identical no matter which species. MG53 fixes the cell and tissue damage that occurs during everyday living...

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