Wound Dressing tagged posts

The Wound Dressing that can Reveal Infection

The wound dressing that can reveal infection
A nanocellulose wound dressing that can reveal early signs of infection through a shift in colour.
CREDIT: Olov Planthaber

A nanocellulose wound dressing that can reveal early signs of infection without interfering with the healing process has been developed by researchers at Linköping University, Sweden. Their study, published in Materials Today Bio, is one further step on the road to a new type of wound care.

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. A wound disrupts the normal function of the skin and can take a long time to heal, be very painful for the patient, and may—in a worst-case scenario—lead to death if not treated correctly. Also, hard-to-heal wounds pose a great burden on society, representing about half of all costs of out-patient care.

In traditional wo...

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