WSe2 tagged posts

Electronic Bridge allows Rapid Energy Sharing between Semiconductors

Artistic depiction of electron transfer driven by an ultrashort laser pulse, across an interface between two atomically-thin materials.
Artistic depiction of electron transfer driven by an ultrashort laser pulse, across an interface between two atomically-thin materials. This transfer is facilitated by an interlayer ‘bridge’ state that electrons are able to access due to lattice vibrations in both materials. (Credit: Gregory M. Stewart/SLAC)

As semiconductor devices become ever smaller, researchers are exploring two-dimensional (2D) materials for potential applications in transistors and optoelectronics. Controlling the flow of electricity and heat through these materials is key to their functionality, but first we need to understand the details of those behaviors at atomic scales.

Now, researchers have discovered that electrons play a surprising role in how energy is transferred between layers of 2D semiconductor m...

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Physicists’ finding could Revolutionize Information Transmission

Gate Tunable Dark Trions in Monolayer WSe2Physical Review Letters, 2019; 123 (2) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.027401

Team identifies dark trions as the next carrier of quantum information. Move aside, electrons; it’s time to make way for the trion. A research team led by physicists at the University of California, Riverside, has observed, characterized, and controlled dark trions in a semiconductor – ultraclean single-layer tungsten diselenide (WSe2) – a feat that could increase the capacity and alter the form of information transmission.

In a semiconductor, such as WSe2, a trion is a quantum bound state of three charged particles. A negative trion contains two electrons and one hole; a positive trion contains two holes and one electron...

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