zinc tagged posts

Zinc can Halt the Growth of Cancer Cells, study says

Zinc rich food items

Zinc rich food items

Study may provide a road map for treatment and prevention. Zinc supplements can significantly inhibit the proliferation of esophageal cancer cells, according to a new study. Previous studies had shown that zinc is essential for maintaining human health and protects the esophagus from cancer. However, it has never been fully understood why zinc has the ability to prevent cancer in the esophagus.

In this study, a team led by Zui Pan, an associate professor of nursing at UTA’s College of Nursing and Health Innovation and a noted esophageal cancer researcher, discovered that zinc selectively halts the growth of cancer cells but not normal esophageal epithelial cells...

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Zinc eaten at levels found in biofortified crops Reduces ‘Wear and Tear’ on DNA

Collage of products containing zinc. Credit: © Africa Studio / Fotolia

Collage of products containing zinc. Credit: © Africa Studio / Fotolia

Research results present a new strategy for measuring the impact of zinc on health. The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, was led by CHORI Senior Scientist Janet King, PhD. King and her team are the first to show that a modest increase in dietary zinc reduces oxidative stress and damage to DNA. Zinc is ubiquitous in our body and facilitates many functions that are essential for preserving life. It plays a vital role in maintaining optimal childhood growth, and in ensuring a healthy immune system. Zinc also helps limit inflammation and oxidative stress in our body, which are associated with the onset of chronic cardiovascular diseases and cancers.

Around much of the world, many households e...

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How your Body Transports Zinc to protect your Health

Graphical abstract: Circulatory zinc transport is controlled by distinct interdomain sites on mammalian albumins

Circulatory zinc transport is controlled by distinct interdomain sites on mammalian albumins… The major site in both HSA and ESA has tetrahedral geometry and comprises three protein ligands from the sidechains of His67, His247 and Asp249 and a water molecule. Isothermal titration calorimetric studies of a HSA H67A mutant confirm this to be the highest affinity Zn2+ site. Furthermore, analysis of Zn2+ binding to HSA and ESA proved the presence of secondary sites with 20–50-fold weaker affinities, which may become of importance under particular physiological conditions. Both calorimetry and crystallography suggest that ESA possesses an additional site compared to HSA, involving Glu153, His157 and His288. The His157 residue is replaced by Phe in HSA, incapable of metal coordination...

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Diet lacking in Zinc is detrimental to human, animal health


Even moderate zinc deficiency is bad for digestion. The trace element zinc has an impact on the essential metabolic functions of most living organisms. New research carried out by the Chair of Animal Nutrition at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has found that reduced zinc impairs digestion, albeit without any typical symptoms such as skin problems or fatigue. Hence, short-term zinc deficiency in the diet should be avoided.

The test series established even slight zinc deficiency in an animal’s diet impedes pancreatic digestive activity even at an early stage.

Scientist Brugger charted a new path since all previous studies had compared the functions of animals with clinical zinc deficiency to those of animals that had adequate amounts of this trace element in their bodies...

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