Zone of stable synapses tagged posts

Research suggests Neurons Protect and Preserve certain Information through a Dedicated Zone of Stable Synapses

Microscopic image of neurons in different colors, against a black background.
Caption: A layer 5 pyramidal neuron imaged in vivo with two-photon microscopy. The oblique dendritic domain (pink) contains stable synapses, and the basal dendritic domain (blue) contains plastic synapses. The cell body and part of the dendritic trunk are white.
Credits:Image: Courtney Yaeger and Mark Harnet

One of the brain’s most celebrated qualities is its adaptability. Changes to neural circuits, whose connections are continually adjusted as we experience and interact with the world, are key to how we learn. But to keep knowledge and memories intact, some parts of the circuitry must be resistant to this constant change.

“Brains have figured out how to navigate this landscape of balancing between stability and flexibility, so that you can have new learning and you can have lifelon...

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