ZTF J1901+1458 tagged posts

Unusual White Dwarf Star is made of Hydrogen on one side and -Helium on the other

This artist's animation shows the two-faced white dwarf nicknamed Janus rotating on its axis. Janus is about 1,300 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus.

In a first for white dwarfs, the burnt-out cores of dead stars, astronomers have discovered that at least one member of this cosmic family is two faced. One side of the white dwarf is composed of hydrogen, while the other is made up of helium.

“The surface of the white dwarf completely changes from one side to the other,” says Ilaria Caiazzo, a postdoctoral scholar at Caltech who leads a new study on the findings in the journal Nature. “When I show the observations to people, they are blown away.”

White dwarfs are the scalding remains of stars that were once like our sun. As the stars age, they puff up into red giants; eventually, their outer fluffy material is blown away and their cores contract into dense, fiery-hot white dwarfs...

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Astronomers have identified a White Dwarf so Massive that it might Collapse

This illustration highlights a newfound small white dwarf that is somewhat larger than earth’s moon. the two bodies are shown next to each other for size comparison. the hotyoung white dwarf is the most massive white dwarf knownweighing 1.35 times as much as our sun. Credit: Giuseppe Parisi

Astronomers have identified an extremely magnetized and rapidly rotating ultra-massive white dwarf. Several telescopes characterized the dead star. Maunakea and Haleakala, Hawai’i — Astronomers have discovered the smallest and most massive white dwarf ever seen...

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