Boeing has patented technology to 3D print objects while Levitating in Space.

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Boeing eyes 3D printing objects levitating in space

Has Boeing been exploring the printing of 3D printing of levitating objects? Yes, Boeing has patented technology to 3D print objects while levitating in space. PatentYogi has presented a video that explains what Boeing had in mind in their patent application, first filed in 2014.

PatentYogi has presented a video that explains what Boeing had in mind in their patent application, first filed in 2014. Multiple 3d printers are used to simultaneously print various features. The material has diamagnetic properties. PatentYogi said that when super-cooled, the printing material becomes a superconductor.

MOA: A nugget of the printing material is ejected into space; magnetic levitation holds it in place; further deposition begins. That is, the magnetic fields created hold that first bit of 3D-printed material in place, and that bit is called the “nugget,” which is then built upon by multiple printers within the process. In discussing the benefits of such an approach, Koslow said: (1) This would be a departure from bottom-up printing. With the nugget held up by magnetic fields, the printers can deposit materials on either side of the base. (2) with magnetic fields the nugget can be rotated in any direction. That means one can get more complex shapes and features within the 3D printed object. (3) with multiple 3D printers used at once, the print speed is greatly increased.

PatentYogi said even acoustic levitation can be used to levitate the nugget. Clare Scott said the “method of levitation involves generating acoustic waves so powerful that they force the nugget into the air; it’s then held in the air by an acoustic reflector that reflects the sound waves and creates a ‘standing wave pattern’ that keeps the part in place while the print heads do their thing.”

Scott in 3DPrint commented how “I can’t wrap my head around it, but Boeing is very serious.” Scott added that “this process could do away with the limitations of traditional 3D printing. And that would mean a technology that is, well, limitless.”