TESS tagged posts

TOI-1685 b is a Hot and Rocky Super-Earth Exoplanet, Observations find

TOI-1685 b is a hot and rocky super-Earth exoplanet, observations find
Best fit SED for TOI-1685 from VOSA. Colored points are photometric magnitudes from the Gaia, 2Mass, and WISE surveys, and magnitudes synthesized from spectrophotometrically calibrated Gaia DR3 Bp/Rp spectra into the photometric system of the OAJ JPAS and JPLUS surveys. Gray line depicts the model flux measurements. Credit: arXiv (2024). DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2405.14895

An international team of astronomers has performed follow-up observations of a nearby alien world known as TOI-1685 b. Results of the observations, published May 21 on the pre-print server arXiv, indicate that TOI-1685 b is a hot and rocky alien world with an Earth-like density.

The so-called “super-Earths” are planets more massive than Earth but not exceeding the mass of Neptune...

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Citizen Scientists help Discover Record-Breaking Exoplanet in Binary Star System

Citizen scientists help discover record-breaking exoplanet in binary star system
An artist’s interpretation of TOI 4633 c, a Neptune-like exoplanet found orbiting the habitable zone of a sunlike star. The system contains a second star (right) and may also host another exoplanet (left). Credit: Ed Bell for the Simons Foundation

A team of astronomers and citizen scientists has discovered a planet in the habitable zone of an unusual star system, including two stars and potentially another exoplanet.

The planet hunters spotted the Neptune-like planet as it crossed in front of its host star, temporarily dimming the star’s light in a way akin to a solar eclipse on Earth...

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Discovery of Two Planetary Systems around Sun-like Stars

Discovery of two planetary systems around sun-like stars
Figure 1: The small panel on the top left shows an illustration of NASA’s TESS space telescope, responsible for the first identification of the exoplanets TOI-2141b and TOI-1736b. The background image is a photo of the OHP observatory with the dome of the 1.93 m telescope, where the SOPHIE instrument is installed, responsible for the detection and characterization of the exoplanets TOI-2141b, TOI-1736b, and TOI-1736c. Credit: Eder Martioli.

A study published today (Dec. 15) in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics reveals the discovery of two new planetary systems orbiting stars similar to our sun, also known as solar analogs.

The study was led by Dr...

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Physics behind Unusual Behavior of Stars’ Super Flares discovered

Physics behind unusual behavior of stars' super flares discovered
Modeled flare atmosphere and synthesized TESS light curves. Credit: The Astrophysical Journal (2023). DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad077d

Our sun actively produces solar flares that can impact Earth, with the strongest flares having the capacity to cause blackouts and disrupt communications—potentially on a global scale. While solar flares can be powerful, they are insignificant compared to the thousands of “super flares” observed by NASA’s Kepler and TESS missions. “Super flares” are produced by stars that are 100–10,000 times brighter than those on the sun.

The physics are thought to be the same between solar flares and super flares: a sudden release of magnetic energy...

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